Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Volunteer call ... and an update

The title of this latest blog post relates to an idea I have had regarding a potential video (or even audio) series. Basically my idea is to try to get players of various levels of rating & experience & have them explain their thought processes when analysing positions. At present the plan was to do this by recording what would essentially be an interview with the player, where they would verbalise their thought processes about a particular position, possibly with specific questions asked by myself. I could then turn the recorded audio into a youtube video, or series of videos, and potentially do some analysis on the idea of thinking processes in chess generally.
However, in order to do this, I need volunteers! My initial thoughts about this were that I might be able to do this at Melbourne Chess Club, particularly with the current Monday night event being structured the way it is. The plan is to try to get people to spend the 15 or so minutes after they have finished their tournament game for the evening, to do the 'thought process' interview, although this is of course only possiblE IF I have finished my own game, and other players have an extra 15 or so minutes to stay around after they have finished their own games.
Another possibility with this is to delay things until sometime next year, when I will be running most of the Monday night events at MCC throughout the year, which would potentially make it much easier to find the time to do the interviews - I  would simply need people who have 15 minutes spare for the interview after their game & hope that the tournament would run dispute-free, at least while I was conducting the interview!

As for the update, I've started working on the upcoming 'Broken Arrow' series, but still need to figure out the 'grand scheme' of how the series will be presented & developed. At present I have a number of ideas & approaches, as well as some content for the series already developed, but I would prefer to have a plan for the series as a whole, so that one episode can follow logically into the next and maintain a sense of continuity throughout, before I start producing & releasing the videos for the series.

If you have any suggestions about the 'Broken Arrow' series, or are interested in participating in the planned 'thought process' series, feel free to get in touch with me melbournegamescoach@hotmail.com

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