Saturday, 1 February 2014

A Grand Plan

Some regular readers of this blog may have noticed some changes in the tabs at the top of the blog, with two new tabs appearing - Victorian Chess Festival & Chess Festival Plan.
This is a rather bold plan I have tried to put together, at least at an idea stage, for a Chess Festival in Victoria, which might hopefully be able to go ahead in late 2016 & early 2017.
Ideally, I'd like to see such a chess festival approach the quality of an event like Wijk Aan Zee, London or Gibraltar, although obviously that is a standard to work towards rather than something that can obviously be matched or bettered on its first attempt.

I'm hoping that the idea will generate plenty of comment in the chess community - but please leave feedback about the idea - on this page, or the idea or plan pages themselves.

Of course the best for of feedback is constructive criticism ... what you think works, what you think doesn't work, but most importantly how you would improve the ideas already put forward.


  1. good on you kerry for giving it a go !

  2. Genius Kerry...
    We need to attract top GMs for a 2 month period - our weather might be a selling point!
    Melbourne's Chinese and Indian communities would be a major audience and potential sponsors.

  3. It is a very good idea, Kerry. There is a chess meeting organised in Hungary, Europe called First Saturday which actually does occur every first saturday of every month. Many people from all over the world play at this venue and it has a reputation for being a "norm" factory since it happens quite a lot there. Here is a link to give you an idea Something like that might work to actually start a physical gathering and then work towards a festival once a year. At least you can see what needs improvement on a monthly basis and and also how you can attract people to visit or attend. One other aspect is, how would chess be celebrated ?, is it just a playing venue ?, will there be stalls selling chess games and chess game novelties ?, what about food ? and so forth.

    In addition, how would you highlight chess and its history, its origins and its availability ?.

    Here is another web link to a producer of chess games in Poland (Europe) called Sunrise Chess & Games. Their wholesale web site is There very strong range of chess game equipment and styles as seen in their online catalogue is extra ordinary.

    But remember to promote chess in a festival, you need food and refreshments and you need security.
